Sh*t happens
Welcome back! In this post I aim to provide perspective on the issues relating to faecal contamination and management. Before we begin, it’s important to understand the reasons for faecal contaminated water across Africa. The basic yet controversial answer would be to blame citizens and development status. However, a more complex answer would question the dishonesty of ‘improved water sources and inadequate provisioning of proper management for faecal waste from the top-down level. Of course, we will be delving into the complex answer. ‘Improved water sources’ First things first, we have to narrow down a definition of improved water sources. The WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme (2017 ) report defined drinking water as ‘by the nature of their design and construction, have the potential to deliver safe water’ with three conditions: (1) accessible on premises, (2) water should be available when needed and (3) be free from contamination. I’ll admit, even ...